
photo of woman using her laptopThe core of all future-oriented software environments is a CoDEM. We do not only produce and market the world-leading Quarturn CoDEM, we are also the ones who invented the term Corporate DNA Evolution Management (CoDEM) system in the first place.

The CoDEM is the beating heart of (permanent) corporate transformations. Without a CoDEM, it is very hard to transform a company more than once every three years. Do not try this with an ERP system! Those systems were designed for structure and defined processes.

CoDEM and friends

The Quarturn CoDEM is (only) the beating heart of the corporate systems infrastructure. The Quarturn CoDEM is surrounded by an ever expanding number of software tools,  apps, reporting systems, third party applications, that help companies make the necessary ‘quart turn’.

Tools for coaches

  • SCULPTR.BIZ: tools that help sculpture client-value-focused business services
  • InFlow: tools that help determine roles and responsibilities in self-steering teams

Instruments for teams

Want to ready your software for the Quarturn CoDEM? Get in touch.